Adrian McKinty’s The Dead Yard, The Bloomsday Dead, and A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick

I reread Dead Yard and Bloomsday Dead in anticipation of McKinty’s latest, Falling Glass, which released in the UK  this week. Since I have to wait for my copy to make its way across the ocean, I have plenty of time to track down and reread Dead I Well May Be, and Hidden River.  The good news is, I finally got around to ordering his poetry collection about the Troubles in Northern Ireland, Orange Rhymes with Everything.

The Dead Yard Quote:

“Aye, my friend.

Joyfully, with mine own hand, will I despoil your corpse and throw your tattered carcass onto that black barge that death steers into the silent sea, from which none return. The day will come.

And it can’t come soon enough.”

The Bloomsday Dead:

“‘Listen to me you worthless shit. you killed my fiancé and I’m giving you a chance to fucking balance the ledger. My daughter’s gone missing. Do you understand? I don’t know what the fuck you’ve been doing in Dublin, I don’t care. I need your help. The most precious thing in the world to me is Siobhan…”

A Scanner Darkly:

“On the day when everything taken away unjustly from people will be restored to them. It may take  a thousand years or longer than that, but that day will come and all the balances will be set right…Maybe inside the terribly burned and burning circuits of your head that char more and more, even as I hold you, a spark of color and light in some disguised form manifested itself, unrecognized, to lead you, by its memory, through the years to come…some fragment of a star mixed with the trash of this world…but it was so remote.”

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