About Me

Shullamuth Ballinger

I am a novelist seeking representation for traditional publishing.

I have a MA in Creative Writing. I’m a fulltime teacher, and I have to budget my time to write during the school year.

​Most of my work is fantasy that is just a step or two removed from reality. Like Joyce, I place mythic themes in the hands of everyday people. I enjoy speculative fiction’s ability to exaggerate true things in order to make them visible. I revel in research and bending facts to suit my purposes. I get a kick out of the puzzle of worldbuilding and tracing threads of implication.

My Gods of Lafayette novels are a love letter to my community. In them, the Greek Gods hang out and play music in Olde Town. Orpheus breaks the fourth wall and has Duane Allman’s body. The novels do not use the ubiquitous Zeus-centric hierarchy. Instead, it follows the mystery cult patterns which elevate Dionysus and Hermes. 

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